Artificial Intelligence for Software Analysis and System Reliability Lab (Fn*-Lab)

Get to Know Us
“ If you automate a mess, you get an automated mess. ” — Rod Michael (Rockwell Automation)


Fn*-Lab is a research laboratory at Fudan University, and we focus on program analysis, software testing, and other software reliability techniques, as well as their applications to improving the dependability of cloud computing, mobile computing, and artificial intelligence systems.


Our Projects

Rust Ada

Due to the sharp learning curve of Rust, writting safe code is challenging to Rust developers. To deal with the problem, this project aims at providing code analysis and recommendation features for developers based on the architecture of language server protocol.

Cloud Ada

Serverless and microservices are the two novel characteristics of cloud software application. This project investigates the techniques for testing and benchmarking the reliability of cloud software, as well as the artificial intelligent techniques for diagnosing cloud failures.

Bugs Hunted

A list of bugs found by our tool can be found here.


Hui's face

Dr. XU, Hui (徐辉)

Pre-Tenure Associate Professor, Lab Director

Man's face

Cui, Mohan (崔漠寒)

Master Student (2020-now).

Man's face

Chen, Chengjun (陈澄钧)

Master Student (2020-now).

Man's face

Jiang, Jianfeng (姜剑锋)

Master Student (2019-now).

Man's face

Chen, Yang (陈阳)

Master Student (2020-now).

Man's face

Li, Tianyu (李天宇)

Master Student (2020-now).

Man's face

Lin, Jianxian (林佳贤)

Master Student (2020-now).

Woman's face

Luo, Sicheng (罗思成)

Master Student (2018-now).

Woman's face

Hou, Mengyuan (侯梦圆)

Master Student (2020-now).

Man's face

Lu, Xiuwen (卢修文)

Master Student (2020-now).

Woman's face

Zhang, Zhicong (张志淙)

Master Student (2021-now).

Man's face

Dong, Yan (董妍)

Master Student (2021-now).