Chapter 2. Installation and Usage Guide

Platform Support

  • Linux
  • macOS (both x86_64 and aarch64 version)


RAPx is based on Rust version nightly-2024-10-12. You can install this version using the following command.

rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-10-12 --profile minimal --component rustc-dev,rust-src,llvm-tools-preview

If you have multiple Rust versions, please ensure the default version is set to nightly-2024-10-12.

rustup show


Download the project

git clone

Build and install RAPx


You can combine the previous two steps into a single command:

cargo +nightly-2024-10-12 install rapx --git

For macOS users, you may encounter compilation errors related to Z3 headers and libraries. There are two solutions:

The first one is to manually export the headers and libraries as follows:

export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/z3/VERSION/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/z3/VERSION/lib/libz3.dylib /usr/local/lib/libz3.dylib

Alternatively, you can modify the Cargo.toml file to change the dependency of Z3 to use static linkage. However, this may significantly slow down the installation process, so we do not recommend enabling this option by default.

[dependencies] z3 = {version="0.12.1", features = ["static-link-z3"]}

After this step, you should be able to see the RAPx plugin for cargo.

cargo --list

Execute the following command to run RAPx and print the help message:

cargo rapx -help 00:00:00|RAP|INFO|: Usage: cargo rapx [rapx options] -- [cargo check options] RAPx Options: Use-After-Free/double free detection. -F or -uaf command: "cargo rapx -uaf" Memory leakage detection. -M or -mleak command: "cargo rapx -mleak" Debugging options: -mir print the MIR of each function General command: -H or -help: show help information -V or -version: show the version of RAPx ...


cargo uninstall rap


To analyze system software without std (e.g., Asterinas), try the following command:

cargo rapx -F -- --target x86_64-unknown-none

To analyze the Rust standard library, try the following command:

cargo rapx -stdsp -- -Z build-std --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu