Chapter 7.1 A Qucik Start of Log APIs

Library Usage

We use annotate_snippets to render code snippets with underlines and messages. The document is available at annotate_snippets which is really easy to follow.

fn main() {
let message = Level::Error.title("expected type, found `22`").snippet( //the title of the message
    Snippet::source(source) //the source code
        .line_start(26) //the line number from which the target code starts
        .origin("examples/") //the filename of the source code
        .fold(true) //whether to fold the source code or not
            Level::Error //message level
                .span(193..195) //the underbound and the upperbound are offsets from the starting line
                .label("expected struct `annotate_snippets::snippet::Slice`, found reference"), //the annotation to explain the underlined code
        .annotation(Level::Info.span(34..50).label("while parsing this struct")), //add annotations like a chain

line_start is the starting line number of the code snippet you are interested in. The content before this line will be dropped and never count in the offset again. The .span() accepts a Range object whose upperbound and underbound are offsets from the first character of the starting line. The corresponing code segment will be underlined and annotated.

Some utilities are available for you to better use these APIs.

Utilities to Deal with the Span Objects

  • span_to_source_code(span: Span) -> String: accepts a Span object and returns its corresponding source code.

  • span_to_first_line(span: Span) -> Span: accepts a Span object and returns the span corresponing to the first line of its source code or extends the span to a entire line.

  • span_to_trimmed_span(span: Span) -> Span: accepts a Span object and returns the span corresponding to head-trimmed source code.

  • span_to_filename(span: Span) -> String: accepts a Span object and returns the filename of the source code.

  • span_to_line_number(span: Span) -> usize: accepts a Span object and returns its line number in the source code.

  • relative_pos_range(span: Span, sub_span: Span) -> Range<usize>: accepts two Span objects and return the relative position range between the two spans.

An Example

fn report_used_as_immutable(graph: &Graph, clone_span: Span, use_span: Span)

We need to annotate two code spans i.e. clone_span and use_span. The source code and filename can be acquired from the APIs above.

let code_source = span_to_source_code(graph.span);
let filename = span_to_filename(clone_span); //other spans also work here

Because there is no relationship between the clone_span and the use_span. So we use graph.span, the span of the total function, as the code background. Corresponding to this, .line_start takes graph.span as its parameter. We use relative_pos_range to compute the relative poition range. Thus it takes graph.span, the background, and clone_span, the span to underline, as parameters.

let snippet = Snippet::source(&code_source)
            .span(relative_pos_range(graph.span, clone_span))
            .label("Cloning happens here."),

Then we assemble the message with title and footer.

let message = Level::Warning
    .title("Unnecessary memory cloning detected")
    .footer(Level::Help.title("Use borrowings instead."));

The final code looks like:

fn report_used_as_immutable(graph: &Graph, clone_span: Span, use_span: Span) {
    let code_source = span_to_source_code(graph.span);
    let filename = span_to_filename(clone_span);
    let snippet = Snippet::source(&code_source)
                .span(relative_pos_range(graph.span, clone_span))
                .label("Cloning happens here."),
                .span(relative_pos_range(graph.span, use_span))
                .label("Used here"),
    let message = Level::Warning
        .title("Unnecessary memory cloning detected")
        .footer(Level::Help.title("Use borrowings instead."));
    let renderer = Renderer::styled();
    println!("{}", renderer.render(message));

And the message rendered looks like:

Exmaple of log usage