Chapter 5.6. Value-flow Analysis

Value-flow analysis tracks value flow in the program including copy, move, ref, and other scenarios. With this module, users can easily have a whole picture of the value flow in any function and query whether there is value dependency between two mir local variables.

This module defines a graph data structure to store the data parsed from Rust mir. The graph nodes are indexed by Local which is defined by rustc. The edges between the nodes also define the data dependency relationship.

Quick Usage Guide

Developers can test the feature using the following command:

cargo rapx -dataflow

To switch in debug mode and draw the graph with graphviz, execute the following command.

cargo rapx -dataflow=debug

For example, we can apply the value flow analysis to the dangling_min case, and the result of function create_vec is as follows:

fn main() {
fn create_vec() -> *mut Vec<i32> {
    let mut v = Vec::new();
 //Fix: let mut v = Box::new(Vec::new());
    &mut v as *mut Vec<i32>
 //Fix: Box::into_raw(v)

To utilize the analysis results in other analytical features, developers can use mop as follows:

fn main() {
use analysis::core::dataflow::Dataflow; // import the module
let dataflow = Dataflow::new(tcx); // create a dataflow object
dataflow.build_graphs(); // parse all the functions in tcx and build corresponding graphs

Graph APIs


This function uses precedence traversal. The node operator and edge validator decide how far the traversal can reach with the help of return values. You can also modify outside variables captured by these two closures to record data during the DFS. traverse_all decides if a branch finds the target successfully, and whether the traversal will continue or not.

For example, if you need to instantly stop the traversal once finding a certain node, then set traverse_all to false. If you want to traverse all the reachable nodes which are decided by the operator and validator, then set traverse_all to true.

fn main() {
pub fn dfs<F, G>(&self, now: Local, direction: Direction, node_operator: &mut F, edge_validator: &mut G, traverse_all: bool) -> DFSStatus
 F: FnMut(&Graph, Local) -> DFSStatus,
 G: FnMut(&Graph, EdgeIdx) -> DFSStatus,


This function is built upon the DFS API. It tries to find idx_2 from idx_1, upside first then downside.

fn main() {
pub fn is_connected(&self, idx_1: Local, idx_2: Local) -> bool